Y O U R....V I S I O N....I S....O U R....M I S S I O N

Thursday, August 30, 2012


by Stefan Tangen & Anne-Marie Warris on 18 July 2012

ISO has just completed work to provide identical structure, text and common terms and definitions for management system standards of the future. This will ensure consistency among future and revised management system standards and make integrated use simpler. It will also make the standards easier to read and, in so doing, be understood by users.

Three management system standards have already been published in this new harmon­ized format with another seven on the way. Both ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 will follow the new outline during their revision process.

ISO has over the years published many management system standards for topics ranging from quality and environment to information security, business continuity management and records management. Despite sharing common elements, ISO management system standards come in many different shapes and structures. This, in turn, results in some confusion and difficulties at the implementation stage.

From theory to practice

All technical committees developing management system standards have to follow Annex SL in the new consolidated ISO Supplement. Annex SL harmonizes structure, text and terms and definitions, while leaving the standards developers with the flexibility to integrate their specific technical topics and requirements. Box 1 includes the high level structure and examples of definitions and identical text.

Box 1: Examples from the new Annex SL

High level structure:

o        Clause 1 - Scope
o        Clause 2 - Normative references
o        Clause 3 - Terms and definitions
o        Clause 4 - Context of the organization
o        Clause 5 - Leadership
o        Clause 6 - Planning
o        Clause 7 - Support
o        Clause 8 - Operation
o        Clause 9 - Performance evaluation
o        Clause 10 - Improvement


Example of identical definitions:

Organization, interested party, policy, objective, competence, conformity.

Example of identical text:

Top management shall ensure that the responsibilities and authorities for relevant roles are assigned and communicated within the organization.

New requirements

There are subtle language issues such as the change from document and records to documented information, to the use of IT and other tools to illustrate what is being done. The new text recognizes the use of the broad concept of risk and the need to understand risk in the context of the management system. It also encourages everyone to view preventive action as a broader concept than simply preventing an incident from re-occurring.

No challenge is too big

Any change represents challenges and opportunities. And this is no exception. Over the next few months, we will promote understanding of what this change means to avoid confusion and improve understanding among the affected technical committees, as well as among the users of the standards.

What next?

It will take a few years before all existing management system standards have been fully harmonized. However, there were an impressive number of standards that used the new format as it was being developed.
Two of ISOʼs flagship management system standards have launched their revision processes (ISO 9001 and ISO 14001) and both will use the new format for their revisions. Box 2 sets out the list of standards that have used the new approach.
The Joint Technical Coordination Group (JTCG) is responsible for the development of the document at the request of the ISO Technical Management Board (TMB). JTCG plans to collect information on user experience in 2012. It is available to answer any questions from standards writers, although users should initially ask their standards developing community.

Box 2: Current status of the harmonization

o        ISO 30301:2011, Information and documentation – Management systems for records – Requirements (Harmonized with Annex SL)
o        ISO 22301:2012, Societal security – Business continuity management systems – Requirements (Harmonized with Annex SL)
o        ISO 20121:2012, Event sustainability management systems – Requirements with guidance for use (Harmonized with Annex SL)
o        ISO 39001, Road-traffic safety (RTS) management systems – Requirements with guidance for use (Currently being prepared for FDIS ballot with publication scheduled for September 2012 and in line with Annex SL)
o        ISO/IEC 27001, Information technology – Security techniques – Information security management systems – Requirements (Revision is currently being prepared for DIS ballot with publication scheduled for 2013, and in line with Annex SL)
o        ISO 55001, Asset management – Requirements (Currently on CD ballot with publication scheduled for 2014 and in line with Annex SL)
o        ISO 16125, Fraud countermeasures and controls – Security management system – Requirements (Currently on CD ballot with publication scheduled for 2013, and in line with Annex SL)

The following MSS were published before the TMB decision and no decision on revision has been taken
o        ISO 22000:2005, Food safety management systems – Requirements for any organization in the food chain
o        ISO 28000:2007, Specification for security management systems for the supply chain
o        ISO 30000:2009, Ships and marine technology – Ship recycling management systems – Specifications for management systems for safe and environmentally sound ship recycling facilities
o        ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011, Information technology – Service management – Part 1: Service management system requirements
o        ISO 50001:2011, Energy management systems – Requirements with guidance for use

About the authors

Dr. Anne-Marie Warris
Chair of JTCG and Chair of ISO/TC 207, Environmental management, SC 1, Environmental management systems
Dr. Anne-Marie Warris, with 12 years of experience in standardization, is the Chair of Joint Technical Coordination Group (JTCG), and Chair of ISO technical committee ISO/TC 207, Environmental management, subcommittee SC 1,Environmental management systems. Dr. Warris is responsible for ensuring that Lloydʼs Register Marine Division listens to, and supports, relevant stakeholders in the environmental arena. She is a chartered engineer and chartered environmentalist through The Energy Institute. Dr. Warris holds an MBA from London Business School, a PhD in Combustion from Imperial College, London.

Dr. Stefan Tangen
Secretary of JTCG and Secretary of ISO/TC 223,Societal security
Dr. Stefan Tangen is the Secretary of JTCG and has been involved in standardization for seven years. He is also the Secretary of ISO/TC 223, Societal security, and works as a project manager at SIS, Swedish Standards Institute. Dr. Tangen holds a PhD in Production Engineering.


In March 2012, ISO members voted to revise the ISO 9001:2008 standard and, at the invitation of SPRI (the Basque Government Society for Innovation), held their first meeting in Bilbao, Spain during the week of 18 to 22 June 2012.

Bilbao is a city which symbolises renewal and it is a very appropriate origin in the journey to revise ISO’s most popular standard. Symbolic of this renewal is the Guggenheim Museum (1997) and the Iberodrola Tower (2011); both associated with famous architects, Frank Gehry and César Pelli.

What are the architects of ISO 9001:2015 planning?

ISO standards are balloted for reveiw every five years – not because the committee wants to perpetuate
itself, but to ensure that the standard is maintained as relevant and contemporary. The last revision to ISO 9001 (in 2008) was not regarded as a significant change and most of the changes were seen as “editorial”; many of the changes made then were to aid translation and to make it more readable (the change in clause 8.3, non-conforming product was a good example of this).

There is a very significant reason for revision ISO 9001 and this has been caused by the publication of Annex SL in the ISO/IEC Directive Part 1 (see page 3). This rather dull sounding publication from 2011 is very significant as it contains the template for a management system standard. All ISO management system committees are now required to reorganise the clauses to suit the template.

ISO 14001, which is also under revision, has already a six month start on ISO 9001 and has been re-organising the familiar clauses 4.1 to 4.6 into the new framework. So the first change to anticipate is that the 2015 version of ISO 9001 will be structured differently and, further, the text will change as the template text, considered to be generic for any management system standard, must be maintained unless special permission is obtained from the ISO Secretariat. It is not expected that permission will be granted lightly and only standards such as ISO 13485 (Medical Devices) will be given dispensation - in this case because ISO 13485 does not have a requirement for continual improvement.

The meeting in Bilbao did not draft a single word of a proposed ISO 9001:2015. The committee met to draft the design specification (new work item proposal) for the new standard. This is a very important document as it establishes the boundaries for the revision as well as the timeframe for the various approval stages from WD (Working Draft), to CD (Committee Draft), to DIS (Draft International Standard) to FDIS (Final Draft International Standard). Each issue from CD is translated to the main ISO languages (French and Russian) and a standard period is allowed for this translation; it is this translation time, as well as voting / comment periods, that accounts for most of the time taken to revise a standard.

This November in St. Petersburg, when the group next meets, it is hoped that the design specification will be approved and the drafting team can start the process of putting revised words on paper.

If you took part in the ISO survey, your comments are being reviewed in depth (the early results did not
include comments in foreign languages and did not look at additional comments which were not part of the “survey monkey” menu). Progressive Certification are taking part in this review and, if you have any  additional comments, please forward to us so that we can include in our national position which will be  ubmitted prior to the next meeting.

Source :  www.progressive-cert.com/

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Senin, 6 Agustus 2012 11:48:35
Reporter: Harwanto Bimo Pratomo

Badan Pusat Statistik mencatat pertumbuhan ekonomi hanya tumbuh 6,3 persen. Dengan produk domestik bruto yang tumbuh mencapai 6,4 persen . Dengan nilai sebesar Rp 650,6 triliun atas dasar harga konstan dan Rp 2.050,1 triliun atas dasar harga berlaku.

Kepala Badan Pusat Statistik Suryamin mengatakan dibanding triwulan pertama terjadi kenaikan 2,8 persen. Pertumbuhan didorong industri manufaktur besar dan sedang yang mengalami kenaikan 3,94 persen, kunjungan wisatawan mancanegara mencapai 1,97 juta orang naik 3,61 atau 4,77 secara year on year.

"Kenaikan juga didorong percepatan belanja pemerintah termasuk belanja modal mencapai Rp 384,5 triliun melampaui triwulan pertama Rp 244,9 triliun dan Impor barang modal yang besar sehingga meningkatkan investasi dalam negeri," ujarnya di kantor BPS, Jakarta, Senin (6/8).

Selain itu, kata Suryamin, peningkatan didorong realisasi penanaman modal dalam dan luar negeri selama triwulan kedua naik 8 persen secara kuartal atau 24 persen secara year on year. "Namun, terjadi perlambatan ekonomi global sehingga nilai ekspor turun," ungkapnya.

Dia menegaskan tingginya tinggi impor didorong impor barang modal dan bahan baku. "Impor ini mempunyai dampak ke sektor lain yang menggunakan barang ini untuk proses produksi terlihat di peningkatan sektor industri, pertambangan," ujarnya.

BPS mencatat naiknya konsumsi rumah tangga didorong oleh pertumbuhan penduduk, peningkatan kredit konsumsi dan peningkatan konsumsi barang rumah tangga, serta meningkatnya dana bantuan sosial dari pemerintah."Konsumsi rumah tangga tumbuh 5 persen," katanya.