Y O U R....V I S I O N....I S....O U R....M I S S I O N

Friday, January 22, 2010


Thursday, 21/01/2010

Permits of Tariff-Violating Companies Can be Revoked

JAKARTA: The Ministry of Transportation finally fixes ceiling handling changes in the line 2 of Tanjung Priok port following agreement between service providers and users.
Secretary to the Directorate General of Sea Transportation Bobby R. Mamahit revealed the ceiling handling charges were the result of an evaluation discussed last year.

"The second-line ceiling charges have been signed by the Directorate General of Sea Transportation and will be implemented soon," he told Bisnis on Monday.

Bobby explained the ceiling charges were agreed to at a government-facilitated meeting between service providers and users."

Based on the Directorate General of Sea Transportation Decree dated January 4, 2010, ceiling charge components consist of delivery, mechanical, cargo shifting, surveyor, stockpiling, administrative, physical inspection, and surcharges.

The Decree KN.42/1/1/DJPL-10 states the ceiling charges should be based on an agreement between service providers and users on November 30, 2009.

The agreement was made between service users association, namely the Jakarta Forwarders, Logistical Services, and Expeditions Association (Gafeksi), the Indonesian Temporary Stockpiling Yards Association (Aptesindo), and the Depot and Warehouse Businesses Association (Apdepi).

In the meantime, service users association involved in the tariff formulation are the Indonesian Exporters Association (GPEI ), the Indonesian National Importers Association (GINSI), and the Indonesian Exporters and Importers (IEI).

Based on the agreement, ceiling stockpiling charge is set at IDR5,000/cubic meter/day (at least two cubic meter), mechanical charge at IDR250,000/cubic meter (at least two cubic meters), surveyor at IDR25,000/cubic meter (at least two cubic meters), and cargo shifting at IDR200,000/cubic meters (at least two cubic meters).

In the meantime, delivery handling charge is fixed at IDR200,000/cubic meters (at least two cubic meters), administrative at IDR50,000/delivery order (DO), physical inspection at IDR20,000/cubic meters (at least two cubic meters), and surcharge at IDR25,000/cubic meter (at least two cubic meters).

In supervising and controlling the application of ceiling charges, the Ministry of Transportation assigns the Tanjung Priok Port Administrator to undertake several measures.

Supervised by Port Administrator

Based on the decree, the Priok Port Administrator is asked to require service providers to submit letters of statement expressing their commitment to implement the ceiling charges in day-to-day activities.

The port administrator will also supervise the implementation of the tariffs to prevent tariff violations.

The port administrator can also suspend service providers if they violate ceiling charges and later the providers will have their permits revoked by the Jakarta Provincial Government.

Previously, Chairperson of the Indonesian Transportation Service Users' Board (Depalindo) Toto Dirgantoro stated the organization from the very onset had denied the application of the ceiling charges in the line 2 at Tanjung Priok port.

"Although the minimum volume has been lowered from three cubic meters to two cubic meters, the charges are still more expensive since the basic charges are also raised," he said. (Bisnis/aji)



Kabar menggembirakan dalam membuka lembaran tahun baru 2010 bagi karyawan Iska Niaga Darma group selain penempatan kantor baru di bilangan Jalan Pramuka, Jakarta oleh seluruh divisi dan unit usaha adalah diperolehnya sertifikat akreditasi oleh WQA dari KAN (Komite Akreditasi Nasional) sebagai pengakuan kesesuaian atas Standar SNI ISO/IEC 17021:2008 pada 30 Desember 2009.

Sebagaimana kita pahami bahwa penerapan standar internasional adalah suatu keniscayaan yang mesti kita lakukan di lingkungan Iska Niaga Darma group ini, pengakuan dari KAN ini tentunya sangat menggembirakan kita semua bahwa dalam proses bisnisnya WQA telah memenuhi persyaratan sesuai standar internasional, yang dalam versi aslinya adalah ISO/IEC 17021:2006 Conformity assessment – Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management system, setelah melalui serangkaian proses audit sebelumnya.

Dalam ucapan selamatnya, Pak Iskandar menyampaikan rasa syukurnya atas lembaran tahun baru yang dibuka dengan prestasi tersebut.

“Alhamdulillahirabbil ‘aalamin. Suatu awal yang baik dalam memasuki Tahun Baru. Selamat dan sukses untuk Pak Novian dan Tim WQA. Semoga ke depan lebih baik dan lebih baik lagi. Amiiin ...”

Mungkin saja ada di antara kita yang kaget, “lho, lembaga sertifikasi kok diaudit dan disertifikasi ... jeruk kok makan jeruk?” Jawabannya adalah : “ya”. Audit adalah salah satu cara bahwa hal-hal yang menjadi “persyaratan” telah dipenuhi serta langkah-langkah improvement adalah bagian dari sasaran yang harus senantiasa tercermin dalam kinerjanya.

Semoga hal ini menginspirasi kita semua dan kita tidak lagi terkaget-kaget manakala perdagangan bebas dunia tiba-tiba sudah berada di depan pintu rumah kita di mana setiap kompetensi mengharuskan kita memakai standar internasional.

Selamat buat Tim WQA!
Semoga prestasi ini menjadi modal semangat di masa-masa mendatang.
